78 km Young’s Point Ride

Meet at: Auburn St in Peterborough (please park  your car anywhere along Auburn St.) Easiest way to get to Auburn St. is to take Hwys 115/7 to Television Rd/Lansdowne intersection, continue on Television Rd to 4 way stop, turn left on Parkhill, go over the swing bridge, then just before the river bridge turn right on Auburn (at Esso gas station).

Date: Saturday, September 10

Departure Time: 9:00 am

Tour Host: Eric W.

Ride Length: 78 km

Difficulty for this ride is medium, expect elevation to total around 600 m. We will ride at a suitable pace for the participants. Please expect to ride as a group.

Snack break at Young’s Point general store. This is not a restaurant so expect a limited selection of snacks.

After the ride all participants who wish may take a short drive to to the Ashburnham Ale House on Hunter Street for lunch and/or refreshments. Click here for directions.

Map & Turns: View, Print or Download the map here.

.gps files: Click here to obtain gps files from RWGPS. When on the site open “overview” tab, then “export” tab to find gps files. At the bottom of the export column links can be found for information on downloading files to various Garmins.