Ashburn – Nestleton 69km

Meet at: Ashburn Park (west side of Ashburn Rd., just north of Myrtle Rd.) in Ashburn. Look for a long gravel driveway with trees on both sides leading west off of Ashburn Rd about 300 metres north of Myrtle Rd.

Date: Sunday October 14

Departure Time: 9:00 a.m.

Tour Host: Bill Walker

Ride Length: 69km

Stopping at the variety store in Nestleton, outdoor tables available.

Map & Turns: Click here for printable map and turns.

.gps files: Click here for 69km to obtain gps files from RWGPS. When on the site open “overview” tab, then “export” tab to find gps files. At the bottom of the export column links can be found for information on downloading files to various Garmins.
