Early Season Spin

Meet at: N/E corner of Garden St & Taunton Rd (Old Target Parking Lot)

Come on out for the first Sunday Ride of the season.  Starting at the old Zellers/Target in Whitby we ride to White Feather to warm up and have a snack.  Two distances to choose from – Regular 37km and Extended 55km

Date: April 10

Departure Time: 1000 am

Tour Hosts: Kim

Ride Length: 37/55 km

Maps & Turns: Print/view 37km map/turns click here, 55km map/turns click here

.gps files: Click here 37km & click here 55km  for the RWGPS map, then go to “overview” tab, then “export” tab. At the bottom of the export tab you can find links to pages for information on how to download files to your garmin.