- Provide overall direction of club affairs
- Represent the club at external conferences, meetings, etc.;
- Be the spokesperson for the club when dealing with the press and other organizations;
- Ensure the Constitution and By-laws are complied with;
- Preside over all club executive and general meetings;
- Review and approve all external club commitments;
- Ensure the club website meets accepted standards of protocol;
- Establish sub-committees for appropriate events and issues.
Vice President
- Assist the President in the execution of the club’s affairs;
- In the absence of the President assume the duties of the President;
- On a daily basis review and respond to communications to the club via Gmail, phone and Twitter (Twitter may be assigned to in individual club member with relevant experience) and advise executive of important issues arising that require executive input;
- Respond to membership inquiries and complaints;
- Promote the club to the general public including local bike shops and local media.
- Call club meetings, prepare and issue meeting agendas;
- Prepare and distribute minutes of meetings;
- Maintain membership list on website and Google spreadsheet;
- Collect waivers and update membership lists;
- Take jersey orders, collect money, order and distribute (this duty has been performed by the club president recently);
- Notify Ontario government of executive changes (Form 1);
- Maintain all files electronically in Google Drive;
- Maintain archives of past club affairs (hard copies and electronic material in Google Drive).
- Maintain club’s finances in good order;
- Advise the club’s bank of any executive changes;
- Ensure the club’s bank account is up to date with signing authority signatures;
- Collect membership fees and deposit in the bank account;
- Receive expense reports, validate and issue payments;
- Review and pay invoices submitted to the club;
- Maintain a general ledger of all income and expenses;
- Prepare financial statements for the club’s AGM;
- Prepare an annual income tax return and submit to CRA.
Ride Coordinator
- Establish and maintain a calendar of scheduled rides;
- Receive and review ride programmes submitted by individual club members;
- Post upcoming rides on the website and notifying members of same by email;
- Maintain a pick list of past rides on the website for future recall;
- Ensure the annual Century Ride takes place (someone to host).