Newcastle to Port Hope 89 km

Meet at: Newcastle Recreation Complex, 1780 Rudell Dr, Newcastle. Take Hwy 35/115 exit from 401, take Hwy 2 east from 35/115 to first traffic light, turn right onto Rudell Dr. Complex is on the west side of Rudell.

Date: September 12

Departure Time: 8:00 am

Tour Host: Jeff & Cheryl

Ride Lengths: 89 km

Route is challenging with about 660 m of climbing (RWGPS numbers, actual elevation will be higher). Route is light on traffic. Stopping at Tim’s in Port Hope for a snack.

Map & Turns: Go here to print and/or view the map and turns.

.gps files: Click here (89 km) to obtain gps files from RWGPS. When on the site open “overview” tab, then “export” tab. At the bottom of the export tab you can find links to information for downloading files to various Garmins.