Orono Hill Ride Saturday Edition

Meet at: Orono Park, turn west onto Station street from Main St. then left onto Leigh St. in Orono, you will see the Orono Park sign

Date: September 24

Departure Time: 8:00 am

Tour Host: Bill U.

Ride Length: 107 km

Stopping at Basil’s deli in Port Hope for a break. This ride is about a 8/10 on the difficulty scale.

Please note that there are some short gravel sections due to culvert replacement on Bickle Hill Rd.

If anyone is looking to ride this at a little slower pace, and maybe skipping Starkville Hill, the old ride guy (Eric) will be out for this one.

Map Click here to view or print map.

.gps files:Click here for RWGPS files. When you are on the RWGPS site open “overview” tab, then “export” tab. At the bottom of the export tab you can find links to pages for information on how to download files to your garmin.