Tag Archives: AGM

2018 DCC AGM

Monday, October 29 please come out to the Annual General Meeting to be held upstairs at Liverpool Johns, 1294 Kingston Rd, Pickering.

Doors open at 6:45 pm, meeting starts at 7:00, refreshments will be available.

Draw for one free DCC membership for 2019 and a draw for a cat5gear cyclist case donated by Impala Cycle.

The financial report will be tabled and discussed.

Ballots will be passed out and collected for the cyclist of the year award.

The following executive positions are available for election:


Vice President



Ride Coordinator 

Click here for a description of executive duties.

If you have a desire to give back to the club and wish to run for any of the executive positions, send an email to durhamcycling@gmail.com stating which position you would like to run for. Your name will be added to the above list. This page will be updated prior to the AGM. You can also declare your candidacy at the meeting.

Proxy Voting – A member (the Principal) who is unable to attend an Annual General Meeting or an Extra Ordinary Meeting may assign their vote to another member (the Proxy) who will attend the meeting and vote on behalf of the Principal, provided that: the Principal notifies the Executive at least five (5) days in advance of the meeting and names the Proxy. Click here to see DCC Constitution.

Make sure to come out to this important meeting! It’s a great forum to discuss the highs and lows of the past season and to have a say in what direction the club should be headed. The future of our club depends on member participation and involvement.

2016 Annual General Meeting

On Tuesday, October 25 please come out to the Annual General Meeting to be held at The Bear Pub, 1294 Kingston Rd, Pickering.

Doors open at 6:45 pm, meeting starts at 7:00, refreshments will be available.

Door prize of one free membership to the DCC for 2017.

The financial report will be tabled and discussed.

Ballots will be passed out and collected for the cyclist of the year award.

An election will be held for the executive positions.

All positions are open to the members of the club. If you have a desire to give back to the club and wish to run for any of the positions send an email to durhamcycling@gmail.com stating which position you would like to run for. You can also declare your candidacy at the meeting.

Make sure to come out to this important meeting! It’s a great forum to discuss the highs and lows of the past season and to have a say in what direction the club should be headed. The future of our club depends on member participation and involvement.