Tag Archives: Hampton

Hampton to Orono

Meet at: M J Hobbs P.S., N/W corner of Taunton and King Lane in Hampton

Date: April 14

Departure Time: 9:30 a.m.

Tour Host: Ride Committee

Ride Lengths: 56/70 km

Snack break Orono

Click here to sign up for this ride and to see who is coming. (not mandatory)

Maps & Turns: To print/view maps & turns click here.

.gps files: Click here (56 km) or here (70 km) to obtain gps files from RWGPS. Click here for information on downloading files to various Garmins.

Orono, The Hard Way

Meet at: M J Hobbs P.S., N/W corner of Taunton and King Lane in Hampton

Date: July 5

Departure Time: 8:30 a.m.

Tour Host: Cheryl & Jeff

Ride Lengths: 52/66 km

The ride name says it all, although the regular ride has considerably less climbing. Stopping in Orono for a snack break.

Maps & Turns: To print/view maps & turns click here.

.gps files: Click here (52 km) or here (66 km) to obtain gps files from RWGPS. When on the site open “overview” tab, then “export” tab to find gps files. At the bottom of the export column links can be found for information on downloading files to various Garmins.

Millbrook in Reverse

Meet at: MJ Hobbs P.S. in Hampton (King Lane and Taunton)

Date: Sept 2

Departure Time: 7:45 a.m.

Tour Host: Cliff

Ride Length: 103 km

Cycle to Millbrook for a stop at the Pastry Peddlar.

This is a hilly ride with over 1000m of climbing. Be prepared to ride as a group due to the long weekend traffic.

Click here to print/view a map and turns

.gps files: Click here to obtain gps files from RWGPS. When on the site open “overview” tab, then “export” tab. At the bottom of the export tab you can find links to information for downloading files to various Garmins.

Flat or Hilly Hampton to Newcastle/Burketon

Meet at: M J Hobbs P.S., N/W corner of Taunton and King Lane in Hampton

Date: August 4

Departure Time: 8:00

Tour Host: Cliff

Ride Lengths: 80 km flat/82 km hilly

Two 80 km rides, one is hilly, one is relatively flat (812 m vs 409 m).  The hilly stops at Blackstock for a break, the flat takes a break at Tim Horton’s in Newcastle.

Because some roads are closed for the Mosport long weekend race, the previous Hilly ride to Orono had to be heavily modified and is not as hilly. Cliff apologizes for the elevation shortage.

Printable Maps & Turns: Hampton to Burketon Hilly 82 km or Hampton to Newcastle Flat 80 km

.gps files: Click here (80 km flat) or here (82 km hilly) to obtain gps files from RWGPS. When on the site open “overview” tab, then “export” tab to find gps files. At the bottom of the export column links can be found for information on downloading files to various Garmins.

2018 Millbrook or Bust in Reverse

Meet at: Enniskillen Public School in the village of Enniskillen

Date: July 7

Departure Time: 7:00 a.m.

Tour Host: Kim

Ride Length: 105 km

The degree of difficulty is 8 out of 10

We cycle over to Millbrook for a stop at the Pastry Peddlar.

The route has changed due to 407 construction

Click here to print/view a map and turns

.gps files: Click here to obtain gps files from RWGPS. When on the site open “overview” tab, then “export” tab. At the bottom of the export tab you can find links to information for downloading files to various Garmins.