Meet at: Sobey’s plaza in Oshawa, N/E corner of Taunton and Wilson. Park near CIBC. Date: April 30 Departure Time: 9:30am Tour Host: Kim Ride Length: 80k A route that includes a few of our favourite hills, stopping at the Orono Bakery for a treat. To print/view the map click here. RWGPS link here. |
Tag Archives: Orono
Sobey’s To Orono
Meet at: Sobey’s plaza in Oshawa, N/E corner of Taunton and Wilson. Park near CIBC. Date: August 4 Departure Time: 8:00 Tour Host: Eric Ride Length: 87k As usual we take the long way to Orono. Stopping for a break at the Bakery. To print/view the map click here. RWGPS link here. |
Orono to Millbrook
Meet at: Orono Park, turn west onto Station street from Main St. then left onto Leigh St. in Orono, you will see the Orono Park sign
Date: July 20 Departure Time: 8:30 am Tour Host: The Ride Committee Ride Length: 82 km This ride has over 1000m of climbing Click here to print map .gps files: Go to RWGPS, click on “view full route”, when you are on the RWGPS site open “overview” tab, then “export” tab. At the bottom of the export tab you can find links to pages for information on how to download files to your garmin.
Hampton to Orono
Meet at: M J Hobbs P.S., N/W corner of Taunton and King Lane in Hampton
Date: April 14 Departure Time: 9:30 a.m. Tour Host: Ride Committee Ride Lengths: 56/70 km Snack break Orono Click here to sign up for this ride and to see who is coming. (not mandatory) Maps & Turns: To print/view maps & turns click here. .gps files: Click here (56 km) or here (70 km) to obtain gps files from RWGPS. Click here for information on downloading files to various Garmins. |
CCC to Orono Revision 2
Meet at: Courtice Community Centre, west side of Courtice Rd just north of #2 hwy. Date: July 30 Departure Time: 7:30 am Tour Host: Cliff Ride Length: 74K We ride out to Orono for a snack at the bakery and encounter a few hills on the way. All levels of riders who are capable of doing the distance are welcome. To print your map click here. RWGPS link here. |
Port Hope Ride
Meet at: Orono Park, turn west onto Station street from Main St. then left onto Leigh St. in Orono, you will see the Orono Park Sign
Date: Weekly Ride Weather Permitting Departure Time: 9:00am Tour Host: Bill Sign Up Sheet: Please signup indicating when you are riding. Click here to sign up Map/turns: 83km click here RWGPS: 83km click here .gps files: Go to RWGPS, click on “view full route”, when you are on the RWGPS site open “overview” tab, then “export” tab. At the bottom of the export tab you can find links to pages for information on how to download files to your garmin. |
Orono to Port Hope 75 km
Meet at: Orono Park, turn west onto Station street from Main St. then left onto Leigh St. in Orono, you will see the Orono Park sign
Date: May 13 Departure Time: 900am Tour Host: Dan & Ruth Ride Length: 75k Ride difficulty: Medium There is over 500m of climbing. Expect hills at beginning, a long climb after the break & rolling hilling through the ride. We will ride at a suitable pace for the participants. Please expect to ride as a group, this is not a race. We may split into groups to accommodate different ride speeds. To print a map of the route click here. RWGPS link click here. |
Sobey’s/Solina to Orono
Meet at: Sobey’s plaza in Oshawa, N/E corner of Taunton and Wilson. Park near CIBC. 66k Meet at: The Solina Community Centre Solina 48k Date: April 15 Departure Time: 9:30 Tour Host: Kim Ride Length: 66k/48K Join Kim on the 66k route taking us from Sobey’s to the Orono Bakery & back. Join Kim’s assistant tour host Cheryl Brown on the 48K route starting 930am at the Solina Community Centre to the Orono Bakery & back To print/view the 66k click here/48k map click here. RWGPS link 66K click here/48k click here. |
Orono, The Hard Way
Meet at: M J Hobbs P.S., N/W corner of Taunton and King Lane in Hampton Date: July 5 Departure Time: 8:30 a.m. Tour Host: Cheryl & Jeff Ride Lengths: 52/66 km The ride name says it all, although the regular ride has considerably less climbing. Stopping in Orono for a snack break. Maps & Turns: To print/view maps & turns click here. .gps files: Click here (52 km) or here (66 km) to obtain gps files from RWGPS. When on the site open “overview” tab, then “export” tab to find gps files. At the bottom of the export column links can be found for information on downloading files to various Garmins. |
Orono Hill Ride Saturday Edition
Meet at: Orono Park, turn west onto Station street from Main St. then left onto Leigh St. in Orono, you will see the Orono Park sign Date: September 24 Departure Time: 8:00 am Tour Host: Bill U. Ride Length: 107 km Stopping at Basil’s deli in Port Hope for a break. This ride is about a 8/10 on the difficulty scale. Please note that there are some short gravel sections due to culvert replacement on Bickle Hill Rd. If anyone is looking to ride this at a little slower pace, and maybe skipping Starkville Hill, the old ride guy (Eric) will be out for this one. Map Click here to view or print map. .gps files:Click here for RWGPS files. When you are on the RWGPS site open “overview” tab, then “export” tab. At the bottom of the export tab you can find links to pages for information on how to download files to your garmin. |