Tag Archives: Photo

Photo Quest

Meet at: Ashburn Park (west side of Ashburn Rd., just north of Myrtle Rd.) in Ashburn. PLEASE NOTE:The sign for Ashburn Park is missing so look for a long gravel driveway with trees on both sides leading west off of Ashburn Rd about 300 metres north of Myrtle Rd.

Date: September 9.

Departure Time: 8:30 am

Tour Host: Richard.

Ride Length: At least 60 km

This is a fun ride. Teams of riders will be given a list of everyday things we see on our rides to take photos of. After being assigned to ride North, South, East or West, teams will decide on the best route to achieve their photos. You are requested to bring a fully charged camera and a download cable. Ride length is at least 60 km. After we’ll meet at Hoops (Taunton and Salem) Ajax at around noon where teams will be scored and judged on their photos.

Remember saftey first, no taking photos from the bike and try to avoid unsafe roads.

Map: No map for this ride, teams will make up their own route as they go.