Tag Archives: Redwood

2017 Roman Manko Memorial Ride & Picnic

Meet at: Glyn Walters Residence 1460 Concession 9, Blackstock, ON L0B 1B0 “Redwood

Date: June 5th

Arrival: 9:30 a.m.

Departure:  10:00 a.m.

Tour Host:  Durham Cycling Club

Ride Length:35km/50km

Map & Turns: Click here for printable maps and turns. 35km/50km

.gps files: click here (35km) or click here (50 km) When on the site open “overview” tab, then “export” tab to find gps files. At the bottom of the export column links can be found for information on downloading files to various Garmins.

Go here for more event details

RSVP here to let us know if you (spouses/partners welcome) are attending and  what you can contribute to the pot luck.